"I could complain because roses have thorns or I could rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Well I thought I should catch up from the last few months. Unfortunately our computer storage is full and we have not been able to get any new picture on it so I will do my best to get some on here.
Annalee is now 4 months old. She is growing up right before our eyes and it is a little bittersweet. She has found her voice and is sometimes very loud. She doesn't cry a whole lot but she shouts at us when she wants something... Its cute for now. She loves being outside and sometimes shouts at us until we bring her outside. She wakes up smiling around 6:30 every morning. She is a happy baby. She drools more than a bulldog but is MUCH cuter than one! Needless to say, we are enjoying every moment with her. We love her so much.
Our singles ward is enjoying her too. We are bombarded at church. The singles just can't get enough of her! Even the single guys want to hold her during class! One ward member who spoke last Sunday mentioned she brings "a lot of joy to the ward". For the first couple of months we didn't bring her to church because we were worried about flu and RSV season. Well, the singles wanted to welcome her in a special way so the activities chair created an activity called "night at the oscars" each FHE group made a clip to a movie. No one new the point to the movie. In the end it showed someone coming into the varsity theater (where they were all viewing the final movie). At the same time, we all came walking in as a family... every one cheered and the music "The Circle of Life" was playing (from Lion King). When we reached the stage Jonathan held her up like Rafiki held Simba in the beginning of the movie. It was so much fun! We are loving the singles ward!
We blessed Annalee about a month ago. I even made her dress! And her great Grandma Inge made her blessing blanket.

And the dress (I knnow its not a very good picture but there will be better ones later.
Well, as promised, here is a "belly shot" (approx 37 weeks). Better late than never...
Annalee is always wanting to be up... whether its sitting or standing. She was sleeping on her boppy a couple of nights ago and began waking up and trying to sit up. I reached over to catch her head and she fell right back asleep.
Some big news... Jonathan is done with Snow!!! He won't be done with school for a while but he is finished at Snow which means no more commuting and no more nights alone!
Well thats all for now... there will be more as we get the picture on the computer.
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